Danny Cee
As a young inspired by his peers into graffiti and other elements of Hip Hop. As early as four years of age everyone already knew he was going to be an artist of greatness. Drawing pictures everyday he spent most of his time perfecting drawing rather than homework and or school work. Many days he spent his time and energy in his youth like many kids in the 90’s on the streets playing with friends. Not all days were easy living though. Growing up in gang affiliated neighborhoods, it was hard to stay away. But having been around the blocks like so has its perks. Many kids like him just trying to find a way to express themselves in things like breakdancing and graffiti. Young Danny picked it up real quick. Almost too naturally. With every bit of passion he would practice his lettering and drawings each day. Going to comic book stores near his home just to look and study drawings. Then take what he saw back home with just his memory of what he assumed to remember to his best of knowledge, Danny would spend endless nights perfecting his arts. But once Graffiti came into play Danny was no longer interested in making comics. Like the one book he made “wish I had food’ with the Wiley coyote as the main character. Growing up in a coyote neighborhood it’s what he projected, as well as being poor. But graffiti was now the main interest. The way the letters connected and shadows casted behind them was just a new amazement for Danny. He would draw on his folder at school or his clothing and hats, backpacks and whatever else he could get his hands on. Soon people started to notice and asked Danny if he can draw on there things as well. Danny saw this as an opportunity to make some cash to help buy his supplies and hey maybe some lunch money. A way to make more art and get his name known around the school would soon turn into tagging all over the school as well as the city and get his name known in the streets. Still looking like a ten year old Danny was now making a name for himself. Engaged in raw talent to now a rush he got when sneaking out his window to go hit a rooftop at his local burger stand or wall he saw walking home. He carried writing utensils now. Kept them 24/7. Sooner or later he was bound to get caught.

Danny Cee is a young respected artist from Southern California. Brought up in the streets all over from Orange County LA Long Beach. Wherever the wind took him. Never staying in one place he still developed a strong foundation for himself. Always believing in his passion for art that it would not only be his outlet from the havoc the streets had in store, but an avenue he can follow to becoming what he always believed in. A living legend with an unstoppable force and drive. Never being tied down to anyone but a free bird with no cage. Danny will charm his way into being amongst the best and creating his best works to show he can not only keep up, but also may pass up and lap others so effortlessly. It’s just how he feels inside he says. I don’t want to be great. I want to be one of thee greats. Learning to tattoo at first was being self taught. But soon after learning only so much he chose to get an apprenticeship at one of the most well known studios of our era “Lowrider Tattoo” being taught on many levels by the one and only “Jose Lopez” a mentor Danny shadowed for many years. Dedicated, hard working and loyal. Danny Said his goal was to pass his mentor up. Great goal might I add. Danny was determined. Saying no to a lot of fun times and females as well as the party life. Danny got down to brass tactics. He was that determined. Nothing nor anyone was going to stop him. Having kids at a young age well before his apprenticeship he had no choice but to make it happen. With fire underneath him who can stop the unstoppable. With his family and some friends telling him not to work for free as an apprentice and to go get a real job. Danny was determined to prove everyone wrong. He said trust me, this will work. I just need your support on it. It was it for him. He once asked his mentor what it took to get to the point of success in the tattoo world. He replied “draw ten hours everyday and see what it will get you. If you only drew eight hours or nine and went to bed. You failed that day.” So…that’s exactly what he did for two years straight! With no time to hang out with friends he worked and worked til he would fall asleep with a pencil in hand. Two years later Danny got noticed by one of his favorite magazines as a kid he used to copy. The worlds famous Lowrider Arte Magazine! They contacted Danny giving him a front cover plus eight page article about Danny and his journey. With his peers shocked and wondering how he did it. Danny realized there was no secret. Put in the work and time. Now his family all turned their heads with the same shock. Like okay now he actually is serious. Reinventing himself. From a hustler of the streets to a self made entrepreneur. Danny Cee the artist. Born in the city of Anaheim, Ca as a young inspired by his peers into graffiti and other elements of Hip Hop. As early as four years of age everyone already knew he was going to be an artist of greatness. Drawing pictures everyday he spent most of his time perfecting drawing rather than homework and or school work. Many days he spent his time and energy in his youth like many kids in the 90’s on the streets playing with friends. Not all days were easy living though. Growing up in gang affiliated neighborhoods, it was hard to stay away. But having been around the blocks like so has its perks. Many kids like him just trying to find a way to express themselves in things like breakdancing and graffiti. Young Danny picked it up real quick. Almost too naturally. With every bit of passion he would practice his lettering and drawings each day. Going to comic book stores near his home just to look and study drawings. Then take what he saw back home with just his memory of what he assumed to remember to his best of knowledge, Danny would spend endless nights perfecting his arts. But once Graffiti came into play Danny was no longer interested in making comics. Like the one book he made “wish I had food’ with the Wiley coyote as the main character. Growing up in a coyote neighborhood it’s what he projected, as well as being poor. But graffiti was now the main interest. The way the letters connected and shadows casted behind them was just a new amazement for Danny. He would draw on his folder at school or his clothing and hats, backpacks and whatever else he could get his hands on. Soon people started to notice and asked Danny if he can draw on there things as well. Danny saw this as an opportunity to make some cash to help buy his supplies and hey maybe some lunch money. A way to make more art and get his name known around the school would soon turn into tagging all over the school as well as the city and get his name known in the streets. Still looking like a ten year old Danny was now making a name for himself. Engaged in raw talent to now a rush he got when sneaking out his window to go hit a rooftop at his local burger stand or wall he saw walking home. He carried writing utensils now. Kept them 24/7. Sooner or later he was bound to get caught.

Danny Cee is a young respected artist from Southern California. Brought up in the streets all over from Orange County LA Long Beach. Wherever the wind took him. Never staying in one place he still developed a strong foundation for himself. Always believing in his passion for art that it would not only be his outlet from the havoc the streets had in store, but an avenue he can follow to becoming what he always believed in. A living legend with an unstoppable force and drive. Never being tied down to anyone but a free bird with no cage. Danny will charm his way into being amongst the best and creating his best works to show he can not only keep up, but also may pass up and lap others so effortlessly. It’s just how he feels inside he says. I don’t want to be great. I want to be one of thee greats. Learning to tattoo at first was being self taught. But soon after learning only so much he chose to get an apprenticeship at one of the most well known studios of our era “Lowrider Tattoo” being taught on many levels by the one and only “Jose Lopez” a mentor Danny shadowed for many years. Dedicated, hard working and loyal. Danny Said his goal was to pass his mentor up. Great goal might I add. Danny was determined. Saying no to a lot of fun times and females as well as the party life. Danny got down to brass tactics. He was that determined. Nothing nor anyone was going to stop him. Having kids at a young age well before his apprenticeship he had no choice but to make it happen. With fire underneath him who can stop the unstoppable. With his family and some friends telling him not to work for free as an apprentice and to go get a real job. Danny was determined to prove everyone wrong. He said trust me, this will work. I just need your support on it. It was it for him. He once asked his mentor what it took to get to the point of success in the tattoo world. He replied “draw ten hours everyday and see what it will get you. If you only drew eight hours or nine and went to bed. You failed that day.” So…that’s exactly what he did for two years straight! With no time to hang out with friends he worked and worked til he would fall asleep with a pencil in hand. Two years later Danny got noticed by one of his favorite magazines as a kid he used to copy. The worlds famous Lowrider Arte Magazine! They contacted Danny giving him a front cover plus eight page article about Danny and his journey. With his peers shocked and wondering how he did it. Danny realized there was no secret. Put in the work and time. Now his family all turned their heads with the same shock. Like okay now he actually is serious. Reinventing himself. From a hustler of the streets to a self made entrepreneur.